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To make sure you are able to receive the help that you need when you’re seeking the services of a locksmith, call on San Marcos Locksmiths. Our locksmiths are available around the clock to service your locksmith service needs. Give us the chance to show you why our residential, automotive, and commercial locksmith services are preferred to any other.
Call (512) 548-0635. We act quickly to get you the help that you want and need. We are committed to your total satisfaction and that is why you can expect to receive the best quality of service from us. Visit us at or call (512) 548-0635.

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What to Do: Ignition Cylinder Problems

Car problems are very, very frustrating. Maybe it’s your day off and you decided that it is time to go grab lunch. Unfortunately, when you went to start your car, something went wrong. Whether it was a dead battery or a problem with the ignition cylinder, the stress is still the same. You want to be able to count on your vehicle. Many people don’t realize that they need to pay attention to more than just the tires, gas light and electric components. The ignition cylinder is also a part you must pay attention to. If you believe that your ignition cylinder is starting to fall apart, it would be a wise idea to get on the phone with a locksmith like San Marcos Locksmiths. We provide automotive locksmith services in and around San Marcos, Texas, but we are confident that you will be able to find a locksmith that services your area if you aren’t from around here. 

Signs an Ignition Cylinder Is Falling Apart

As with just about all problems, an ignition cylinder failure doesn’t just happen – it happens with warning, if you know what to look for. Here, you will find some of the things that you need to pay attention to in order to prevent the ignition cylinder from totally falling apart. If any of these things are happening to you then get on the phone with an expert!
  • The key gets stuck in the ignition cylinder sometimes. This can be happening due to wear and tear, or it could be that excessive debris is caught in the ignition cylinder. Eventually, the key could become stuck to the point that it breaks in half, which you obviously want to avoid if possible.  
  • The car’s engine sounds like it might be failing. This may sound like a mechanical or electrical problem but this isn’t always the cause – it could be a faulty ignition. How is this possible? It could be a loss of voltage in the cylinder itself. It could be that the engine is not reading that a key is inside. The last thing you want is for your vehicle to stop working while you are driving on a busy road. 
  • The vehicle sometimes fails to start. Certain positions of the key could fail to work properly. For example, the car, truck or SUV might not detect when you turn the key once or twice. In a worst-case scenario, the vehicle just won’t start at all. 
  • When you turn the key, you hear strange noises coming from the ignition. This is never a good sign. It indicates to you that the ignition cylinder is not functioning properly and could leave you stranded on the side of the road. 

What to Expect If Ignition Cylinder Breaks

If the ignition cylinder fails to do its job and does not hold the key in place while you are driving, you can be in serious danger. If the engine stops working you can only imagine what could happen. Ignition cylinder problems need to be taken seriously. 

Ignition Cylinder is Broken: What to Do 

You could end up breaking the key in the ignition. This is just as bad if not worse than not being able to start your car. Call a local locksmith for advice on what to do if you are sure that the key is broken. But don’t risk breaking it if you have not done this already – don’t try to pull too forcefully on the key because it will likely cause it to break in half, in which case you might need broken key extraction and ignition cylinder replacement. Again, this is a task that a locksmith will be equipped to handle.  
Do You Need a Mechanic or the Dealership? Not Necessarily  
Going to the mechanic in your area or your dealership can end up costing you a lot of money. Most people are under the impression that only a mechanic can fix car issues. However, we are here to tell you that this is not the case. While a mechanic or your dealership will be able to take on mechanical and electrical problems, problems with the ignition cylinder can be solved by a locksmith. And, the locksmith will be able to come to your location, so if you can’t start the car, you don’t have to get it towed. Typically, a locksmith will charge a lesser rate than the dealership or a mechanic, too. You can find out for yourself by calling to request a free price quote. There is no harm in that. 

Get Help Fast

There is only one thing you have to do if you are having issues or recognize potential concerns with your ignition cylinder or if the ignition cylinder has failed. That is call a locksmith who is licensed and insured and experienced with automotive locksmith solutions in San Marcos.  
We are proud to service the local area and our locksmiths will be able to get to you fast because they are locals themselves. You can get assistance no matter what time it is – literally, even in the middle of the night, by using our 24 hour a day emergency service. An experienced locksmith will replace your ignition cylinder or provide you with broken key extraction. You don’t have to pay for towing. You don’t have to spend a ton of money at the dealership. All you have to do is get on the phone with a local locksmith to get the help that you need. What do you have to lose? We hope that this answers your questions as to what to do if you are having ignition cylinder problems. Rest assured, most lock and security providers will offer consultations free of charge, so you can get all of the information that you need, and from an accurate source to boot. 
Thanks for taking the time to learn more about ignition cylinder problems. Hopefully you have found the provided information to be useful!

Aricle source here: What to Do: Ignition Cylinder Problems

When to Replace Locks

It is common to replace locks when you know that there is someone in the area breaking into homes. However, if you don’t want to experience a break-in, you’ll need to be proactive. Even if you haven’t experienced a break-in, this doesn’t mean it can’t happen to you. It is likely that the persons who have received break-ins felt the same way. Our locksmiths at San Marco Locksmiths quickly handle the replacement of locks due to safety and security concerns.
You might be curious as to what other occasions call for you to change your locks, here are a few:

Worn Out Locks:

If you are moving into a house, there is a chance that the locks are the original locks. If this is the case, they have experienced a lot of wear and tear. You might see this when you are experiencing problems opening your door or using the lock. Older locks can become quite problematic over time. This means that whenever you are moving into a new home, go ahead and have our locksmiths change the locks for you. You don’t want to wait until you begin to experience a problem, rather do it before a problem occurs.

Lost Keys:

If you have lost your keys this means someone else has access into your home. Your home should be the one place you should be able to feel safe without the threat of someone coming in without your authority. Even if you lose or have your keys stolen, you should immediately have the locks changed. Don’t go mad looking for the keys, just for peace-of-mind, have the locks changed. Not only will it afford you peace-of-mind but you will keep yourself and your household safe.

New Tenants:

If you have someone moving in and out of a property you own or manage, it is best practices to have the locks replaced after every move. If you don’t want to be held liable for stolen property, do yourself a favor by having the locks changed. We know this might seem like common sense but you would be rather surprised to know that there are a lot of property owners who do not take this precaution.

Move Outs:

When you live with one or more people and someone moves out, it is a good time to change the locks. It doesn’t matter whether you parted on good terms or not, this is just something that could go so terribly wrong if you do not take precautions. Take it from us, we have seen big problems with people coming back after they have moved out and taking things that do or do not belong to them. Also, keep in mind that they may have also given a key to someone without your knowledge. You just never know, therefore, it would certainly be in your best interest to change the locks. Don’t even give it a second guess to change the locks.


Undoubtedly, change the locks if you ever experience a break-in. This isn’t something you want to play around with. The person who may have broken in, may decide that because it was so easy to get in before, they can do it again. You may reason that since it already happened, surely it won’t happen again. You could be sadly mistaken. Perhaps they noticed some things they want to collect and will come back to collect them. Change the locks if you experience a break-in.
  • Break-ins – This is the most logical reason to have your locks changed. If someone has broken into your home, your locks have been compromised. If you do not want someone else to come along and break-in again, have your locks changed immediately. This would also be a good time to allow a locksmith to evaluate your locks. There might be other locks that have been compromised.

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